Tuesday, January 30, 2018

"If Swallowed... Call Poison Control Immediately" - TOOTHPASTE

Have you ever thought about what is in your toothpaste?

Do you read the package warnings on the products you bring home? Does your toothpaste have a warning on it that says," if swallowed call Poison Control Immediately?"💀

Years ago, when my children were young I honestly never read the box of toothpaste. I was naive, and assumed the big brand toothpastes would all be fine for you.

But even today when I Google, "poison warning toothpaste", there are CLEAR signs that the fluoride is causing medical issues for children, so in 1997 they placed the warning on the package. 20 years later the fluoride and warning ARE STILL THERE, why not just remove the fluoride? It is NOT the only ingredient that is of concern - so please know what your brushing your teeth with and what is in that product. Is it safe? 

The correct amount of toothpaste is just a PEA sized portion, but if you swallow more than that amount you are directed to call poison control. That concerns me. Who knows about this danger? Do you supervise your children brushing their teeth? 

Children do tend to swallow toothpaste and that can be dangerous. I wouldn't want anyone I love to use a mouth product that you can not accidently swallow? That bothers me, so I looked for a healthier alternative. 

There are plenty of better options for you and your family. 

Young Living
Orange oil Vitality
Please take the time to upload the free application, THINK DIRTY. Then scan in your toothpaste. Know WHY your toothpaste rates as it does. Are the ingredients linked to cancer? Will they adversely impact your hormones? 

Using Orange essential oil on your toothbrush daily will whiten your teeth naturally. I add a drop of therapeutic grade orange oil under my pea sized portion of toothpaste each time I brush to keep my teeth white. 

Here is a link to our Youtube video on the topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZTJC9nwN-s
Thank you for sharing our information - and subscribing to our blog and Youtube channel. 

Here is to a healthier 2018!

Saturday, January 20, 2018

I used to be a 9 - What about you?

How often do you use deodorant? Daily? Sometimes more often? 

How does your deodorant rate on a scale from 1-10, 10 being the most dirty?

Is what your putting on your body cancerous? How did it rate on the Think Dirty application?

I used to use Secret Deodorant/antiperspirant. I was very disappointed that it rated as a 9, based on the ingredients - primarily fragrance and aluminum. Why has Canada and the UK removed this ingredient but we haven't in the United States? 
What ingredients
are of concern

Please share this information with the women you know. 

Be aware of Talc in your products too. It is related to respiratory issues and skin irritation. The was a lawsuit that was awarded 70 million dollars in California due to issues related to long term talc usage. Why has it not been removed from our shelves?

Chose a healthier alternative. Know what you are putting on your body.
A Better Choice

Be aware that once change from using deodorant that contains aluminum to one that does not - you may have a few days (up to 10 days) of detox. You may smell extra smelly as your body removes the toxins from your body.

There are other options as well. I know several people that use toothpaste for deodorant, or even a fresh lime will work. Know that citrus is photo sensitive and will react to sunlight. You may burn more easily.

We don't want to apply a product to our underarms that is known to be linked to cancer. Nor should we want to use products that mess with our hormones!

Be aware of any pain when using your products, check for any redness, or lumps - this may be a sign stop what you are using and see a healthcare professional. 

There are a lot of healthier alternatives. Don't you want something more natural?
Take the time NOW to load the Think Dirty application and determine what are you placing on your body daily? What are you providing for your teenagers to wear? 

To view the related Youtube

Please subscribe and share our information! 

Next let's talk toothpaste!

Kathy and Heidi

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Do you have Toxins in Your Home? Think Dirty!

Do you have a healthy home?

Do you use candles? Do you use plugins for air freshener?


Does anyone at home have respiratory issues? 

Secret Deodorant

Think Dirty App

Then using the bar
code on your
products at home
scan them into
Think Dirty App

Once you have scanned in your product, secret deodorant, was scanned in (above, right) the application will rate the product from a 1-10 - 10 being the worst. As you can see, secret is rated a 9 - almost as bad as it can get! 

We believe that is pretty scary, considering how many women still use that product. Prior to using the Think Dirty app, I personally had been using that product for more than 20 years.😢 

After the high level rating of 1-10, the Think Dirty application further defines WHY they rated the product as they did by breaking it down into three categories;
1. Carcinogenicity*
2. Developmental & Reproductive toxicity
3. Allergies & Immunotoxicities

* "a carcinogen is any substance, that promotes carcinogenesis, the formation of cancer" {Google}

As you can see from the image above, secret deodorant is KNOWN to be related to carcinogens, or cause cancer. Secondly, it is also KNOWN to have an adverse impact on development and reproduction!

Continuing with the deodorant, the application explains what ingredients are problematic. In this example, the fragrance and talc are considered "Dirty", petrolatum and aluminum zirconium trichlorohydrex are considered "half and half". The application will continue to provide information on why they rated the product the way they did. 

Hopefully, we have your attention! 

There is cause for concern. Our suggestion is to go through your bathroom and cleaning supplies to see how toxic your home may be. 

I read labels and try my best to purchase good quality products that are fragrance free. I typically buy organic products but was very disappointed that many of my products rating poorly on Think Dirty Application. 

There are healthier alternative! Toss out your candles and plugins and replace them with a diffuser or homemade sprays made with essential oils.  

There are also healthier alternatives to the fragrance and aluminum that may be in your deodorant. We would just like you to take the time to find a better option for you and your family. 

Please also check your toothpaste. I was surprised that most toothpaste are labeled to, "call poison control, if swallowed"! Obviously, as an adult you don't go swallowing your toothpaste, but children do!

In the coming weeks, we will post recipes that may help you move over to non-toxic products. The first step is to determine how toxic your home is today. 

Once you know better you do better. 

I look forward to our continued journey to a healthier 2018 and beyond!

Kathy and Heidi

Monday, January 8, 2018

How to use Essential Oils: Aromatically, topically, and internally

How can we use Essential Oils in our Daily Life? 

Essential oils (EO) can be used in three ways; 

    Young Living
    Desert Mist
1.Using a diffuser - adding water and a few drops of your favorite oils into a diffuser can be a refreshing air freshener. It can also improve your mood, and/or health depending on what oils you diffuse.

2. Placing a few drops of essential oils in your hands and breathing them in is a common way people use oils. 

3. Smelling directly from the bottle

4. Other ideas how you can use your oils aromatically; on a cotton ball and place it in your pillow, a diffuser necklace, or on wood, like a clothespin, are other ways to use your oils aromatically.

      Young Living
       Rainstone Diffuser


1. Place a few drops directly on your body. Oils can be used on most parts of your body; wrists, temples, back, feet, and stomach, just to name a few. BUT you would NEVER put oils directly in your eyes or ears. If you do happen to get them in your eye add a carrier oil to the area to dilute the oil and the pain should subside quickly. 

2. Carrier oils can vary in thickness so you may use different carrier oils based on where you are placing the oils, or on the benefits the carrier oil itself brings to you,  or perhaps how quickly you want the oils into your system. For example, my mom was using coconut oil with her essential oils and placing in on her knees and that worked fine. She hear that grape seed oil would work better so she tried that but it "burned" her knee so she was unable to use any oils until that healed. So go slowly until you know how your body reacts to the essential oils and carrier oils!

Remember some oils are considered HOT and can 'burn' your skin (Peppermint, oregano, cinnamon and clove are a few).
Essential oils are very potent and can irritate your skin so we recommend starting with adding them to a carrier oil to dilute them prior to application. There are several different carrier oils available. Below find a list of the most common used carrier oils;

      1. V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex from Young Living
      2. Coconut oil solid or fractionated (liquid)
      3. Olive oil
      4. Grape seed oil
      5. Apricot Oil
      6. Sesame seed oil
      7. Avocado oil
      8. Jojoba oil

1. Place a few drops in a gelatin or vegetable capsule and top off with a carrier oil and swallow with water. Add a few drops of EO to your drink of water, tea or juice. Please keep in mind that if you are planning on drinking oils use only a glass or stainless steel cup (and straw) as the oils can and will break down plastic. 
Gelatin Capsules

2. Add them to prepared foods; lime into guacamole, lavender into lemonade, peppermint into brownies are just a few examples. 

3. Add a few drops of EO to your drink of water, tea or juice. Please keep in mind that if you are planning on drinking oils use only a glass or stainless steel cup (and straw) as the oils can and will break down plastic. 

Please note that Young Living recommends using "vitality" product labelled oils when taking as a dietary supplement. 

Essential oils can be used in so many ways! 💕

I love using my Thieves, a Young Living blended oil, when I travel. I place it on my feet, my wrists, and my temples before leaving home. I bring thieves spray with me and use it on the plane, and in the hotel as we encounter so many germs with the thousands of people we pass in the airport, etc. 

Anytime I feel like I am coming down with something I begin putting on oils every few hours. Keep in mind many people just apply them once a day or twice a day and that is most likely not often enough to really be effective. The oils you take in now will be fully metabolized in about 20 minutes, so reapplication is typically necessary. 

Place a drop or two of lavender into your mascara will and that will help strengthen your lashes and minimize the bacteria that can be found in older containers of mascara. 

Adding Tea Tree oil to your conditioner can help aid in hair growth and minimize dandruff. It may feel tingly at first but I enjoy the way that feels!

I love my essential oils which is why I wanted to do this blog and related YouTube videos! If you have any questions, please leave a comment. I would love it if you would subscribe to our blog and/or YouTube channel!  Health and Wellness with Oils on YouTube

Thank you for joining us in our health and wellness journey!

Please feel free to leave comments and/or suggestion on other topics you are interested in learning about. Please subscribe and forward our information to others who want to know about how essential oils can help them with wellness and improving their health!

Thank you!


P.S. Update: if you are actively fighting something you will need 1 drop of essential oil per 20 lbs of body weigh in your system every 1-2 hours. Most new users of oils do not use enough oil to have it be effective. 

From Savor Simple Living

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Introduction to Health and Wellness with oils

Hello! I am Kathy Bond
Me and my nephew, Alexander
and I have been using essential oils for years to improve my health and to remove toxins from my home. I am a crafty person and love making all kinds of things for myself, my family and friends. I wanted to share with you some of my knowledge, recipes, thoughts and ideas on essential oils as they have a wonderful impact on my life!

I began my journey many years ago when I really knew very little about essential oils. I used to buy them at the grocery store, and other small shops not knowing there is a HUGE difference in the quality of oils.  I read the labels and believed when it said 100% therapeutic grade essential oils that what I had in my hand was the highest of quality. Boy was I WRONG! But now I know better and so I do better! (hint: Google "Therapeutic grade")
Image result for 100 percent pure essential oils images
This looks official but means nothing

When buying essential oils it is important to buy the highest quality because most likely you will be placing them on your skin, and/or breathing them in your nose. I know I don't want to be bringing inferior oils into my home, when I am trying to be healthier! 

How do you know you have the highest quality? Be sure to buy oils from a reputable distributor, or from someone you trust. Please don't do what I did and buy them at Sprouts, or Whole Foods and assume because you paid a fair amount they are of the highest quality. The FDA, nor any other government agency certifies essential oils. The oils you put on your skin are in your blood system within seconds! Oils can be smelled, diffused, or placed directly on your body - but we will get into that in detail later.  

Please know that I am not a doctor, nor do I have any medical experience. What I share with you is just my opinion and not intended to be medical advice. 

We will be working to post each week some of the things we have done to improve our health and lifestyle and I hope you join us to become the best YOU in 2018 and beyond!

We have a YouTube channel with the same name as the blog. A link to this video is below. Please subscribe to the blog and YouTube channel. If you find the information useful please share, comment and like our posts! 

I look forward to this oily journey together!

Our video is on YouTube https://youtu.be/xY0xDpfFrt0

Thank you!

Some of the topics we will be discussing in the future...

Dr. Axe says... Just adding some of the most common essential oils like lavender, frankincense, lemon, peppermint and tea tree oil to your natural medicine cabinet may:

  • Fight cold and flu symptoms.
  • Relax your body and soothe sore muscles.
  • Heal skin conditions.
  • Alleviate pain.
  • Balance hormones.
  • Improve digestion.
  • Reduce cellulite and wrinkles

"If Swallowed... Call Poison Control Immediately" - TOOTHPASTE

Have you ever thought about what is in your toothpaste? Do you read the package warnings on the products you bring home?  Does your toothp...