Tuesday, January 30, 2018

"If Swallowed... Call Poison Control Immediately" - TOOTHPASTE

Have you ever thought about what is in your toothpaste?

Do you read the package warnings on the products you bring home? Does your toothpaste have a warning on it that says," if swallowed call Poison Control Immediately?"💀

Years ago, when my children were young I honestly never read the box of toothpaste. I was naive, and assumed the big brand toothpastes would all be fine for you.

But even today when I Google, "poison warning toothpaste", there are CLEAR signs that the fluoride is causing medical issues for children, so in 1997 they placed the warning on the package. 20 years later the fluoride and warning ARE STILL THERE, why not just remove the fluoride? It is NOT the only ingredient that is of concern - so please know what your brushing your teeth with and what is in that product. Is it safe? 

The correct amount of toothpaste is just a PEA sized portion, but if you swallow more than that amount you are directed to call poison control. That concerns me. Who knows about this danger? Do you supervise your children brushing their teeth? 

Children do tend to swallow toothpaste and that can be dangerous. I wouldn't want anyone I love to use a mouth product that you can not accidently swallow? That bothers me, so I looked for a healthier alternative. 

There are plenty of better options for you and your family. 

Young Living
Orange oil Vitality
Please take the time to upload the free application, THINK DIRTY. Then scan in your toothpaste. Know WHY your toothpaste rates as it does. Are the ingredients linked to cancer? Will they adversely impact your hormones? 

Using Orange essential oil on your toothbrush daily will whiten your teeth naturally. I add a drop of therapeutic grade orange oil under my pea sized portion of toothpaste each time I brush to keep my teeth white. 

Here is a link to our Youtube video on the topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZTJC9nwN-s
Thank you for sharing our information - and subscribing to our blog and Youtube channel. 

Here is to a healthier 2018!

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"If Swallowed... Call Poison Control Immediately" - TOOTHPASTE

Have you ever thought about what is in your toothpaste? Do you read the package warnings on the products you bring home?  Does your toothp...