Saturday, January 6, 2018

Introduction to Health and Wellness with oils

Hello! I am Kathy Bond
Me and my nephew, Alexander
and I have been using essential oils for years to improve my health and to remove toxins from my home. I am a crafty person and love making all kinds of things for myself, my family and friends. I wanted to share with you some of my knowledge, recipes, thoughts and ideas on essential oils as they have a wonderful impact on my life!

I began my journey many years ago when I really knew very little about essential oils. I used to buy them at the grocery store, and other small shops not knowing there is a HUGE difference in the quality of oils.  I read the labels and believed when it said 100% therapeutic grade essential oils that what I had in my hand was the highest of quality. Boy was I WRONG! But now I know better and so I do better! (hint: Google "Therapeutic grade")
Image result for 100 percent pure essential oils images
This looks official but means nothing

When buying essential oils it is important to buy the highest quality because most likely you will be placing them on your skin, and/or breathing them in your nose. I know I don't want to be bringing inferior oils into my home, when I am trying to be healthier! 

How do you know you have the highest quality? Be sure to buy oils from a reputable distributor, or from someone you trust. Please don't do what I did and buy them at Sprouts, or Whole Foods and assume because you paid a fair amount they are of the highest quality. The FDA, nor any other government agency certifies essential oils. The oils you put on your skin are in your blood system within seconds! Oils can be smelled, diffused, or placed directly on your body - but we will get into that in detail later.  

Please know that I am not a doctor, nor do I have any medical experience. What I share with you is just my opinion and not intended to be medical advice. 

We will be working to post each week some of the things we have done to improve our health and lifestyle and I hope you join us to become the best YOU in 2018 and beyond!

We have a YouTube channel with the same name as the blog. A link to this video is below. Please subscribe to the blog and YouTube channel. If you find the information useful please share, comment and like our posts! 

I look forward to this oily journey together!

Our video is on YouTube

Thank you!

Some of the topics we will be discussing in the future...

Dr. Axe says... Just adding some of the most common essential oils like lavender, frankincense, lemon, peppermint and tea tree oil to your natural medicine cabinet may:

  • Fight cold and flu symptoms.
  • Relax your body and soothe sore muscles.
  • Heal skin conditions.
  • Alleviate pain.
  • Balance hormones.
  • Improve digestion.
  • Reduce cellulite and wrinkles

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