Thursday, January 11, 2018

Do you have Toxins in Your Home? Think Dirty!

Do you have a healthy home?

Do you use candles? Do you use plugins for air freshener?


Does anyone at home have respiratory issues? 

Secret Deodorant

Think Dirty App

Then using the bar
code on your
products at home
scan them into
Think Dirty App

Once you have scanned in your product, secret deodorant, was scanned in (above, right) the application will rate the product from a 1-10 - 10 being the worst. As you can see, secret is rated a 9 - almost as bad as it can get! 

We believe that is pretty scary, considering how many women still use that product. Prior to using the Think Dirty app, I personally had been using that product for more than 20 years.šŸ˜¢ 

After the high level rating of 1-10, the Think Dirty application further defines WHY they rated the product as they did by breaking it down into three categories;
1. Carcinogenicity*
2. Developmental & Reproductive toxicity
3. Allergies & Immunotoxicities

* "a carcinogen is any substance, that promotes carcinogenesis, the formation of cancer" {Google}

As you can see from the image above, secret deodorant is KNOWN to be related to carcinogens, or cause cancer. Secondly, it is also KNOWN to have an adverse impact on development and reproduction!

Continuing with the deodorant, the application explains what ingredients are problematic. In this example, the fragrance and talc are considered "Dirty", petrolatum and aluminum zirconium trichlorohydrex are considered "half and half". The application will continue to provide information on why they rated the product the way they did. 

Hopefully, we have your attention! 

There is cause for concern. Our suggestion is to go through your bathroom and cleaning supplies to see how toxic your home may be. 

I read labels and try my best to purchase good quality products that are fragrance free. I typically buy organic products but was very disappointed that many of my products rating poorly on Think Dirty Application. 

There are healthier alternative! Toss out your candles and plugins and replace them with a diffuser or homemade sprays made with essential oils.  

There are also healthier alternatives to the fragrance and aluminum that may be in your deodorant. We would just like you to take the time to find a better option for you and your family. 

Please also check your toothpaste. I was surprised that most toothpaste are labeled to, "call poison control, if swallowed"! Obviously, as an adult you don't go swallowing your toothpaste, but children do!

In the coming weeks, we will post recipes that may help you move over to non-toxic products. The first step is to determine how toxic your home is today. 

Once you know better you do better. 

I look forward to our continued journey to a healthier 2018 and beyond!

Kathy and Heidi

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